Pharmacy Online License Renewal

Attention licensees:

This licensing database became active in February of 2023, replacing our previous system. If you have not applied for or renewed your license since then, please follow the instructions below to register as a First Time User.
Electronic copies of licenses may be downloaded and printed directly from your account. You will also receive an electronic copy of your license by email, which will serve as your official license.

Note that you may renew your license beginning 75 days before the license expiration date (90 days for facility licenses). If you are due to renew and do not see your license, do not apply for a new license. Please send an email to with your name and license number, and we will work to resolve the issue.

To Renew:
  1. Visit
      • First time users, click the “Self Register” link and go to step 2.
      • If you already have an account, proceed to Step 4.
  2. Fill out the presented form and click “Register.”
  3. Once you successfully complete your registration form, you will receive an email (at the email address you entered) from that will allow you to set your password. (If you do not see the email, please check your inbox or spam/junk folder.)
  4. After setting your password, you can then enter the portal and renew your license.
  5. Once renewed, please print the electronic copy of your license, which you may use as your official license.

Medical Board Licensees: If you already have an account with the Medical Board’s licensing database, you will need to use a different email when registering with the Board of Pharmacy.

Facility Licenses: Please choose an individual who is in charge of renewals and license updates to self-register for a personal profile. When your personal profile is complete, please email with (1) the name on your account, and (2) the facility licenses you oversee. Once your licenses have been linked to your account, you can proceed with the renewal.

Please note: When you log on, you should see your license, which you can select for renewal. Only if you do not see your license information upon entering the portal, please email the Pharmacy Licensing Help Desk with the following information:

  • Email to:
  • Subject line: Renewal Registration Complete
  • Within the body of the email, please include your name and license number.

Thank you for your patience as we modernize our licensing platforms to better serve you!

Initial License Application:

All license applications are now available through the online licensing portal, including initial licenses. If you are applying for a new license, for yourself or a facility, please use our licensing portal.

If you would like to review our archival license application forms, as an aid to preparing for the online application process, please visit the link below. Information and documentation used to complete these forms should then be input into the online license application.

To review archival licensure forms, please click here.

Pharmacy Applications and Forms.

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