Administrative Services

Administrative Services Division

The Administrative Services Division (ASD) encompasses Financial Services, Information Services, and Human Resources. ASD serves as a resource and provides support to the Divisions and Boards and Commissions within the Regulation and Licensing Department, in coordination with other state agencies, such as Department of Finance and Administration, Legislative Finance Committee, State Purchasing, State Treasurer’s Office, Department of Information Technology, and the State Personnel Office.

The Financial Services function provides fiscal support and oversight, financial advice, accounting, budget preparation and management, procurement, and fleet/telecommunication services. The goal is to deliver the best service and support to every employee to ensure the most efficient and effective utilization of New Mexico taxpayers’ money.

Human Resources plays a vital role in the success of the department by ensuring compliance with all federal and state laws, personnel and payroll rules and regulations, agency policies and procedures, as well as collective bargaining standards. Human Resources is also responsible for the review and processing of personnel transaction requests, policy matters, support and services related to employment, benefits, compensation, classification and human resource programs that enable the department to maximize its customer service efforts for the State of New Mexico.

NM Regulation and Licensing Department
Administrative Services Division
2550 Cerrillos Road
Santa Fe, NM 87505
(505) 476-4800
(505) 476-4520 Fax

RFP Release Date:  March 27, 2023

Proposal Due Date:  April 13, 2023


The purpose of the Request for Proposal (“RFP”) is to solicit sealed proposals to establish a contract through competitive negotiations for the procurement of marketing and advertising services for the State of New Mexico, Regulation and Licensing Department (“RLD”). RLD is seeking a Contractor to develop and manage effective statewide marketing, advertising, and outreach campaigns on an as needed basis.

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