The Advisory Board of Respiratory Care Practitioners rule hearing Friday, October 25, 2024, at 2:00 p.m.
NOTICE OF PUBLIC RULE HEARING AND BOARD MEETING The New Mexico Advisory Board of Respiratory Care Practitioners will hold a rule hearing on Friday, October 25, 2024, at 2:00 p.m. immediately followed by a meeting of the board to consider any public comment and adoption of the proposed rules listed below. Public participation is welcomed, and comments may be submitted in writing during the 30-day public comment period, or in person during the public rule hearing. The hearing and subsequent meeting will take place at the Regulation and Licensing Department, Rio Grande Conference Room, located at 2550 Cerrillos Rd, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87505. The hearing and subsequent meeting may also be accessed virtually via Microsoft Teams. Meeting Link: Join the meeting now Meeting ID: 281 348 564 668 Passcode: Jiwamv Or Join by Phone: +1-505-312-4308 Phone Access Code: 240025606# The purpose of the rule hearing is to consider changes to the current rules: 16.23.1 - GENERAL PROVISIONS 16.23.3 - PRACTITIONER LICENSE QUALIFICATIONS, APPLICATION, RENEWAL AND EXPIRATION 16.23.5 - EXPEDITED LICENSURE 16.23.12 - CONTINUING EDUCATION 16.23.14 - SCOPE OF PRACTICE GUIDELINES FOR NON-LICENSED, NON-EXEMPTED PERSONS