Employee Leasing Program

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Employee Leasing Program

The Regulation and Licensing Department regulates Employee Leasing Companies.

 This type of company provides for “leased” or temporary employees to employers throughout the State of New Mexico.  Every leasing company MUST register with the Regulation and Licensing Department.

 Penalties for operating are: administrative fines and penalties.


If you are thinking of doing business in New Mexico as a PEO or Employee Leasing Company, or have other questions, please check FAQs page and search the LINKS page for instructions.


For more information contact:

Paulina Braiman-Robinson, Executive Director

Mailing Address
P.O. Box 25101
Santa Fe, New Mexico 87504

Physical Address:
Toney Anaya Bldg.
2550 Cerrillos Road, 2nd. Floor
Santa Fe, NM  87505

Tel:   (505) 216-8067
Fax:  (505)  476-4511


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